Business Merchandise is an easy way to promote your business, services and events. Most popularly they are given out to those at events or staff within the office. When promoting at an event using merchandise the recipient has a reminder of your business. However it can be hard to distinguish which items to give, as you want it to be used not disregarded. To help we have collated our best sellers into an easy to follow guide to help make the decision easier.
#1 Promotional Mugs
This makes for a great gesture at an event and they are usually the most popular items. We offer a range of options so you can include as much business information as you like.
Mugs are also popular within the office: this can be a great new starter gift and it’s always handy to have some spare in the kitchen!
We offer discounts on bulk orders, with mugs for as little as £3.07 each!
See our range of promotional mugs!
#2 Promotional Coaster 
We offer promotional coasters which can match the design of your mugs or simply have your business logo.
These are a great item to hand out at events and will be easily accepted due to their size.
Available for as little as £1.80 each!
Check out the custom coaster options here!
#3 Promotional Mouse Mats
The perfect addition to your office desks. Personalise a mouse mat with your company logo or slogan to pass on to clients and staff members.
A mouse mat isn’t something we all purchase but it is something we more often than not need.
Purchase from our range of mouse mats from £5.00 each!
View the custom mouse mat options here!
#4 Promotional Keyrings
A small, simple gesture but one that’s not forgotten. Keyrings have no age limit which means you can pass these on to a wider audience.
No matter the event, person or place these will go down well.
The biggest decision to make will be the design!
Purchase for as low as £2.00 each!
Unlock the promotional keyring range here!
#5 Promotional T-Shirts
With 12 colours to choose from available with the personalisation of your choice.
Our T-shirts make a statement, perfect for events and easy advertising.
Any photo can be uploaded to the t-shirts and they come in small-XXL.
Shop our T-Shirts from £11.24!
View the promotional t-shirt options here!